Sunday, March 31, 2019

The Minimalist Lifestyle Gold - eBook,Audio and Video Tutorials

The Minimalist Lifestyle Gold - eBook,Audio and Video Tutorials

    Now You Can Get Instant Access To 10 HOT, Over-The-Shoulder, Step-By-Step Video Tutorials. Download And Start Playing These Videos Tutorials Right From The Comfort Of Your Home!

    What is a minimalist lifestyle? Theres a simple answer and a complicated answer. The simple answer: it means having less stuff, doing less and generally get-ting back to basics.

    The complicated answer? It ultimately comes down to a change in your mindset. It comes down an understanding that you can get fulfillment and happiness by having less going on rather than more  and that living more simply is not only better for your mental health but also better for your finances, your family, your health and the environment!

    Its not just you. Its all of us. We are all being manipulated by our politics and by big companies that want to get more money from us. This is what keeps the economy ticking over and what keeps certain people wealthy and it all comes down to our strange de-sire to have more.

Video 01: 5 Easy Things You Can Do Today to Declutter Your Home
Video 02: How Minimalism Helps to Reduce Stress
Video 03: How to Declutter Your Mind and Prevent Information Overload
Video 04: How to Fight The Urge to Buy Unnecessary Stuff
Video 05: How to Implement Minimalism into Work and Business
Video 06: How to Travel the World as a Minimalist
Video 07: Quality over Quantity
Video 08: Top 5 Books and Documentaries about Minimalism
Video 09: What is a Minimalist Lifestyle?
Video 10: Why Less is More

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